Thursday, May 5, 2011

hair care article 14

There are a lot of hair that is naturally beautiful, but even they have to provide basic care to stay well or looks. In addition, hair is a reflection of your health and personality. You know what this is all hair care needs? Follow these tips to keep hair silky, shiny and strong.
1. Trim my hair every three months at least. Cut hair regularly helps to remove the burnt ends and a double, gives a haircut, and, therefore, gives the appearance of hair treated well.2. Have a balanced diet. That's right! When you lose some nutrients in their diet is almost always reflects directly on the hair. So that a diet rich in vegetables and grains.Otherwise, you can have hair loss, growth problems and weaken from malnutrition.

3. Try to use products with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) during the summer. Especially after contact with water (swimming pool, ocean, etc.). The use of caps and hats also helps protect against solar radiation, if the field is very intense Sun4. Preferred to use wooden combs with wide teeth. Wooden comb provides static neutralization, in addition to the hair becomes weaker when wet.5. Make periodic moisture in the hair. Each hair needs regular hydration from hair to hair, even hair that is not any chemical (dyes / straightening / lights). And if you have chemistry, hydration should be done at more frequent.6. Avoid excessive use of hair dryer and flat iron. This may contribute to drying of the yarn and the appearance of split ends, giving a dull, lifeless hair. In an extreme case, "broke" the wires are clear. Try to adopt the style of cut, making it more natural.7. Choosing a shampoo that best suits your hair. Expensive shampoos are not always synonymous with good shampoo. Use the one that suits your hair, whether it's a cheap product and has no damage. There are excellent products in several market prices, including lower prices.8 - to change your shampoo and conditioner. Change shampoo regularly, as often, hair can get used to a certain active ingredient of the product, forcing him to stay with an opaque "dead."

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